The cruxy & stoical hung maxillary lateral cave incisors, as promised below...
Unlocking sequences on one of the deceptively steep & gnarly Harris projects - or any project, can be like trying to ride a wild horse into submission. As it happens, this wild horse is about V13 so far...Yesterday I -the tentative jockey- missed the top sloper by the skin of my teeth...
[nb: Despite putting my mobile number up as The Climb Line in addition to my email, on this trip I heard zero from zero other climbers.]
Idiotically tiny edges - a wild overhanging arete - a potential screamer from hell -no placeable pro - & suddenly, this urge to break-dance washes over you. Do you pause briefly to humour the closet Travolta within or finish climbing the project first?
I remembered these words not far from the top:
Dance- Even if you have nowhere else to do it but on a narrow ledge halfway up El-Cap
I carried on teetering, friable edge after friable edge. One partially collapsed, supressing my urge to giggle prematurely at clearing the last crux sequence. The rest was crimp into flag into crimp into lift -smooth to the ledge. The summit dance won't be making it into the movie...My closet Travolta vented years of pent up dance aggression. It was a shambles in full view. Gone was the fluid grace under vertical pressure of a boy ballerina, crimp gymnast- enter a club heeled lunatic trying to escape a swarm of invisible bees...I was, for just a fleeting moment, Bernhard Manning on a pogo-stick.
[nb: Despite putting my mobile number up as The Climb Line in addition to my email, on this trip I heard zero from zero other climbers.]