Asturias is also a perfectly executed solo of guitar by John Williams, burned into the soul of times preceding these recent days, these untimely events I can't casts us back toward that place in Spain where we had great weeks routing, soloing & laughing, & Siurana, Baltzola & rolling back through the French serpentine alpine roads.
When there's nothing else you can do, you just keep on climbing, empowering yourself somehow, you simply keep on keeping on...

Asturias V11 - This one's for you man...

At 5/17/2007 5:27 PM, ※Sgian Dubh ※â
Yikes, don't mention climbing on Kilda here matey, the SNH would start wailing like girls if they thought anyone nipped out there for vertical entertainment. St.Kilda, where's that? Never heard of it ;)
And what's this about on the subject of St.Kilda?
Pròiseact nan Ealan are bending the truth more than a little there. Anyone with half a brain will tell you that these are photos of the Aird Mor Mangustadh sea cliffs, Harris...that the ariel ballet performance is no-where near St.Kilda. 1] I know who did the photography, down to his shoe size. 2] The E7 & E8 are just around that corner foreground of quartz marbling & 3] the tippy bothy is almost directly above. Who are they trying to mislead here? Even the rock strata in comparrison to the Hiort archipelago is totally wrong.
If they sell that publically as a Hiort location, I'd be inclined to publically ask them why...
At 5/18/2007 3:28 PM, Helenâ
lol who pushed you out the wrong side of bed M'Congaile? keep your hair on :) the Mangersta venue for the ariel dance work is no secret. Remember it's an arts performance not a rock climbing vid, and there's no rope access allowed there on Kilda is there :P. I've seen some of the footage too and the actual shots of Kilda are certainly impressive. Is it true you can't climb there unless you've got weirdly long claw toes?
At 5/18/2007 9:25 PM, ※Sgian Dubh ※â
it's an arts performance not a rock climbing vid
Ok, you can have that one, but imagine the Hiort climbing vid aye...Alec John, McGill -oh dear, my ropes seem to be tangled again- McGill, Al Stormy, myself, etc, we could parady the glam pish american vid, Masters of Stone & call it Masters of Guano II. Trade in the fake tans, perfect teeth, pony-tails, oiled muscles & sweat for sou'westers, no teeth, roll-ups, gnarly fingers, snot, & just being, well-oiled.
Location filming courtesy of the Sula Sgeir team wi Murdie fighting pelagic Fulmars, broom in hand on top of Levenish, while deftly mis-directing the noddy tour boats & MoD with a fire made from his vast collection of used Swan-Vestas & his endless boggy-roll stock pile. Sangwies, light refreshment & beetroot fizz provided by Willy the Shed.
That would be some trip...& some film. We'd put that arty-farty fancy ballet business to shame... & what's wrong with my toe-claws anyways? I can see the headlines now:
Masters of Guano E-Naoi - Ag Obair Còmhla Airson Nan Eilean.
Hey bud, isn't this on Kilda, left shore project?