Monday, June 04, 2007
¤ Stevie & the moment ¤ says it all. There ya go John as promised, it's off of Characters. I don't think Arch even had a clue last night. Good luck wi the clam-diving off Mallaig, diver. Obviously it's strictly no octopus wrestling. Coire Lagan calls into the mountains, a power tune wrecking sinue & tissue, as does the Norwegian invasion aye. Wasnt' it always about being freer than the wind at your back - V15 behind me. V14 confirmed. Having nothing, possessing riches more than all. Being nowhere but, in the place you need to be. Free.
I'll see you on the other side, sooner rather than later.
Free like the river flowin' freely,
through infinity.
Free to be sure of,
What I am and who I need not be
Free from all worries,
Worries prey on oneself's troubled mind,
Freer than the clock's hands,
Tickin' way the times,
Freer than a raindrop,
Falling from the sky,
Freer than a smile in a baby's sleepin' eyes
Freer than the meaning of free that man defines,
Life running through me....
Quite lost.
Now the real freedom appears.