Wednesday, June 06, 2007
The master at work, this is vintage Dubside. Going through all the Greenland rolls with humour & style. Pakassummillugu - Elbow Roll, Siukkut Pallortillugu Masikkut - Storm Roll. Avataq Isserfiup Taaqqaanut - Hunting Roll, & loads more. You find many novices to the sea & the characteristics of the kayak, are scared of rolling but the more you roll, the more confidence you will have in the waves & storms offshore. Fear of rolling is probably the number one reason for potential to never be explored, but the ability is aquirable by anyone to a point where it becomes second nature & a pleasure in it's own right. It's the most effective self-rescue technique a kayaker can have in his or her arsenal. I don't think Dubside has had an upright day in his life.
Everyone should try Qajaasaarneq as well. It does your climbing a world of good, as much as your realization of being centered in movement.

Everyone should try Qajaasaarneq as well. It does your climbing a world of good, as much as your realization of being centered in movement.

Dubside - master technician
My jet black Anas Acuta is a narrow Greenland style kayak also, 51cm wide, 523 long, although unlike Dubsides folder, it's made of composite kevlar. It's one of the, if not the best design suited to technical rolling in foul weather. The Igdlorssuit design is as old as the Arctic perma-ice. Wrap yourself up in a Tuiliq & you can go all winter in truly baltic conditions, outclassing the modern design of sea kayak with confidence. Good climbing slippers take time to mould to your feet, an acclimatization. The Greenland style Anas Acuta kayak is no exception, but persistence pays big dividends in all avenues of lifestyle.