The Hole in the Rain
The Hole in the Rain, where village island children have played endless, down through all the ages. Dangling the holds in the cave roof, leaping the falls, dust from lichen & holding your breath in the falls. If you jumped from the damp moss edge above, you were king over the hole, master of dare. Aeons swum amongst the nights we jumped Barna jetty & The Pins, & aeons scatter borders. The threads of our old swing ropes long overgrown, but by eldila lightning memory flash, I see Archie is as bald today, as he was back then. Someone is grown drunk & fighting lost, another sleeps in Spain, one rides storms on brawling trawlers, out through the driving rain. I took the mountains as my alter & cut my soul into stone. The girl who climbed into the back of the cave & touched the green stone was bravest. She summoned demons into our legends & we sent ourselves squirming down the paths onto the bóithrín, boney fingers down our backs, breath on our necks, reaching through storm wood, stingers & drains where we sacrificed angry wasps, as examples to others. And the sun would set, & you'd go home all dragged & clattering, holding up miles of pants & coarse towels slung with mud & leaves. Black Jock now works the Uig dock on Calmac...he's no really black, just more hell-of-a durty - as he always was, even after floating off hours of blue dragonflies dancing above his nose. Ears below water, eyes just was the way, the rule, a rule I took into the wadis - Tarmac on the toes, wet footprints..I can still see them...decades gone & no sign they will dry...a new wave has control of the Hole in the Rain these days - We are children sending children in aye...
This week? I completed a new monster soaring Torridon V12 & a some new V8s & a new V9, for a bit of surrounding decoration aye -[nb: Despite putting my mobile number up as The Climb Line in addition to my email, on this trip I heard zero from zero other climbers.]. Photos will be up soon, in conjunction with Θ Nick Smiths Θ wee online photographic article.
posted by ※Sgian Dubh ※ at 12:47 PM |

At 7/31/2006 2:22 PM, ※Sgian Dubh ※â
Yay got the text matey. Just on ma way over to Harris to work on the hard & scary Sprad line. Nearly panicked there but yes, im available as a tour guide, burger maker, doss host & bletherer. Fancy holding the camera on some hard stuff in between nicking rocks?? Tell Emery he has to bring his own underpants though. Gi us a ring any time
At 7/31/2006 2:56 PM, John Hunterâ
cool, can bring the polaroid instamax along!
Sounds good, altho we cant show anybody the pics or remember seeing you climb
Emery wears his GFs pants, thats what Ive been told by her anyways.
Enjoy the trip, will call when E has his plans sorted
At 8/01/2006 6:36 PM, ※Sgian Dubh ※â
Ah JB, any chance of a shoulder ride around Apremont or are you getting to old for that, retiring to 8c?
Lads, never let a Frenchman hold your nuts, not on a Norwegian big wall anyways. Ive emailed you back JB - so take the laptop?
Le singe est dans l’arbre...Le singe est sur la bicyclette....Le singe...
At 8/01/2006 8:23 PM, John Hunterâ
Mr Emery is sorting the plan, told the boy to get train to Aberdeen then Ill drive over in the Roller Skate.
Ive some Police Liane Do Not Cross tape, Ill post it over, cordon off some boulders, save some from the marauding masses.
Explain this, why does it rain as I walk out the door? sunny all day, rain only at climb time
Did you ever get to Bossons in Cham? found a yellow circuit to chase round, Missus even got into it!! was touch hard for a yellow!
Calling the Climb line!!!
prepare for action, sent you a TXT dude. Emery and me are Invading!