Thursday, December 01, 2005

Taic Mhór [Taigh Solais stac] left of Más Sgeir - Rubha Robhanais, Lewis - Am fear as beothaile. © - SKYEBLOC
Aye, a couple weeks on & another Lewis raid is on the cards. This time with one of my favourite bouldering cohorts - & we're going armed with drills, ropes, mats, chains, tape, enthusiasm & probably bacon & raisin bagels...errrr ok. Totally psyched to be getting on the An-t Súil sport project again & getting some mpegs, lines, laughs & boulder projects in with the fella. Off for a thrutch around my door frames now & a search through the gear cupboard...More news after the trip...I wonder what Johann Stow & Rico Monsoon will come up with....ciao hoodlums.
Oh..the Taic Mhór stac [Pillar of Strength], is a 60ft bastion of gneiss & great for dancing on top of in storms like these, although the tyrolean is best set up before the storm... The whole thing shudders when surge waves impact. But enough of that kinda talk, -7°c sending weather is here & 5am stomps into the rocks.

A contrast of summer bouldering in the same hole without storm surges. This line is the brilliant Tuff Gong - v9 - which takes on the full bonkers arete.
Update 1st Dec: Oh well, that's that screwed then, the man is down with flu. These things happen, so no sport project work this week or filming hard boulder sends. There I was completely psyched for the full roof link-up of Disintegration -rh-. Add that Davey MacLeod is extremely close to linking the black Dumbarton roof project & I can't afford to get down there... Feck it, but at least he's using the heel sequence I originally pointed out would work aye, to great effect. [ I won't say I told you so Dave, that would be young-minded wouldn't it ]. It will be Dumbartons hardest boulder problem when it goes down though - easily.

Dave MacLeod - turbo screaming on the Dumbarton roof-link-up project :photo: =SCB=
Hmmm...I'm tempted to nip in there if he doesn't nail it soon. I reckon I could dispatch that beast in 2 full sessions or so, seriously...[Before all the little children go crying on a climbing forum of their choice - that's not meant to sound cocky or be-little Daves mammoth effort on the line...the sequence just feels obvious to me. It's screaming out logical, as is an easier drift finish sequence on Firestarter]. No - for those with doubt, I wouldn't nip in on someones project, but it's always tempting...Where do you put your truck-full of motivation to get things done, when nothing can get done..Frustrating days these then, but these things happen..Just as the November weather delayed the other Coire Lagan project for a month by pishing all over it, so it seems the rain forms in a few ways.... Get well soon hombre. Aye a raging Vindaloo Phaal, a bottle of dram & a high tog downy will exorcise the demon. At least you've no started chirping & pecking at seeds.
∴ - ∴
posted by ※Sgian Dubh ※ at 12:08 PM | 

At 12/01/2005 1:10 PM, ※Sgian Dubh ※â
At 12/01/2005 5:08 PM, ※Sgian Dubh ※â
At the moment's pretty wet & Im stuck indoors on my campus board...yaaawn. Just got off the phone wi Johno. Hes not feeling great so the Lewis trip is off. The man sounded like he had a sock in his mouth talking & rubber bungs up his nostrils. 7 day forecast looks reasonble Craig & best at the weekend. See the Metcheck link on the blog mate...Cullin are covered in snow looking out ma window though, so it might be tip top up around the Chieftan.