Saturday, October 08, 2005
Christy Moore - Smoke & Strong Whisky
▩1] Welcome To The Cabaret
▩2] Fairytale Of New York
▩2] Fairytale Of New York
▩3] Scapegoats
▩4] Aisling
▩4] Aisling
▩5] Burning Times
▩6] Smoke & Strong Whiskey
▩6] Smoke & Strong Whiskey
▩7] Whacker Humphries
▩8] Blackjack County Chains
▩9] Green Island
▩9] Green Island
▩10] Encore

'Inside this clay jug are canyons & pine mountains,& the makers of canyons & pine mountains...All seven oceans are inside, & hundreds of millions of stars. The acid that tests gold is there & the one who judges jewels, & the music from the strings that no one touches, & the source of all water. If you want the truth, I will tell you the truth; Friend, listen: The God whom I love - is inside these, the trace elements.
Kabir [1398-1518]
Kabir [1398-1518]

Kosketa minuaälä käsilläsivaan niin että tunnen sinut, kosketa minuaälä käsilläsimutta sielussasi
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