Sunday, August 07, 2005

Could it be that this old representation of a huge balanced bloc has actually been found in The Clisham Pass. Maybe it's a clone, but either way, it's worryingly alike & pretty much backs up the detail of the image above...uncanny. I don't have enough researched history on this etching as yet, but stay tuned for a comparable digi shot. For now though, the collosus will remain free from attention. Back on the hillsides of Harris with the rye grass & mistral winds, there's plenty to go at & without these vast hurled rocks, without the home seas, the flap of tent fabric, peaty mud between the toes & seeing old weathered faces exactly where you left them, I think I'd loose the plot. The long track home from chaos, was overridden with a fixed picture of old Shanks, standing on the loch, a creel in one hand, snot pouring from whichever of his nostrils was windward, a half bottle of Trawler tucked in his oil skin pocket...To see it for real, would make the world exactly how it was before somehow, & he was there, as regular as a standing stone, although somewhat more wobbly, calling me boy. Nothing is now broken or torn away. It's funny aye, how we each have markers by which we judge the worlds safety. Although some would argue that having Shanks as a safety marker is hardly testiment to personal sanity, yet he is exactly that. This week is about focused work on that huge leaning boulder, immediately left of the roadside when you drive down-the-way. Drop in, have a tug on it. Free burgers to the man who can beat me to the steep wall right of the arete!
Three new problems here so far, the best of these being the technical & steep downhill wall of, Back in Black -v12, while the Apophis project gets closer everytime I attempt to fight being unceremoniously dumped groundward from it's jaws without a second glance.
Ħ - Ħ