Saturday, July 09, 2005

♠ Happy birthday Shitsville ♠
I know it's a wee bit late but it's there. Aye, Bobs speech at the G8 was a doozy & glad you survived Jens farting onslaught in the tent. So I guess I won't make it Thursday either way, so - stay out of the fridge. x
♠ The Boondock Saints ♠ & some ♠ Mouldy Soup ♠ to keep you going. There's even a chicken variation - girly heaven uhuh ♠
'S nad fhaisge tha a' chómhail a th' agam rium fhéin cho dlúth ri smior mo chridhe 's e falbh air binnean céin. Fhuair mi faoisgneadh ás a' chochall, a rinn cor mo réis maha...agus, Mar ruiysa tha m' irisleachd co-ionann rim uaill. Like a lightning strike sometimes aye, perfect screaming symmetry. Cha léir dhomh ni 's fhaisge. x
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Be a light unto yourself - Lord Buddha
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