Friday, March 25, 2005
Aye, these are them, training themselves up on nail edge slopers, forcing my back to take the torque through the project roof at Bac, Lewis...peace at last. Six weeks of rain, shite TV & hobbling around the Co-op is more than to much, as is finding yourself demoted to teaboy status by the climbing fraternity. Well no more, heres to dancing in rainstorms, pulling down hard, aching muscles, hot baths, sore hands, seasalt on the lips, heel hooks, chalk on the tips, blood on the stone, long beautiful days, crisp clear mornings, razorback friction, immaculate waves & heaps of egg mayo butties. See you in the Highland & Island jumbles.

The hands that do dishes...& the odd gnarly crimp here & there aye
Righty, sofa-bed time. An early start back to Bac waits in the morning for some more bouldering & I'm going in, mad as a lorry. A simple glitterball aye, but oh how it shines for those whose eyes can see. What could you possibly want with silver & gold wrapped in silk, when this wooden bowl holds all the nourishment of the souls own longing for itself.

The newly climbed roof of Bac To Bac, V9
Oidhche mhath
Good to see you're bac cranking... God we'll get tired of these BACK jokes soon enough. Good luck today... that roof looks superb!