I rejoice in the Awakening of the Buddhas,
& also, in the spiritual levels of their signs
With folded hands, I beseech the Buddhas of all directions
To shine the light of Dharma, for all bewildered,
In the gloom of misery.
With folded hands, I beseech all the Buddhas,
Who wish to pass away,
To please remain, for countless aeons,
& not to leave, the world in darkness
My foes will become nothing
My friends will become nothing,
I too, will become nothing
Likewise, all will become nothing.
Just like a dream experience,
Whatever things I enjoy
Will become a memory
Whatever is passed, may not be seen again.
I will liberate those, not liberated
I will release those, not released
I will relieve those, unrelieved
& set all living beings, in Nirvana
The Buddhas neither wash ill deeds away with water
Nor remove beings sufferings, with their hands
Nor transfer their realizations to others.
Beings are released through the teachings of truth,
The final reality.
Thus by the virtue that has collected, through all that I have done
May the pain of every living creature
Be completely cleared away.
May I be the protector to all those without protection,
May I be the doctor & the medicine,
& may I be the nurse,
For all sick beings in the world,
until everyone is healed.
May I be a bridge, a boat, a ship, For all who wish to cross the water.
Kundun - [Tenzin Gyatso] - The 14th Dalai Lama -
If you do only one more thing of beauty in this life, watch this movie. Watch it, with your heart open & the phone off the hook. If the It's Over big link-up ever finds itself completed by my hand, it will be dressed in the one word upon which this treasure is hinged, Kundun...It's just that special, &, what a wonderfully simplistic parodox it would be to name an ugly, demonic & cruel fight-of-a-line, after a man whos life & purpose is to mirror the exact opposite & spread compassion through gentleness. A simple monk who helps all he can to keep the world in peacefull existance. Maybe it will give back some abstract level of beauty & simplicity to that dark, complex & forboding stone. It has afterall, already inspired the name Extradition. This is the dvd so often carried in the slip-pocket of my rucksac, with my scarred & battered climbing kit - just in case...I think he'd be impressed by it all, not least, by our tenacious hanging of such improbable holds & angles. As the Lord Chamberlain says in the film 'He is a modern man. Just like he was the last time'....
'If the world had the ears of an elephant & the mouth of a mouse, It would hear with a greatness of clarity, the sound of it's own joy; And talk less endlessly about the pain of it's own suffering'
Si O'Conor '99