Thursday, May 11, 2006

And apart from playing this classic album on a fine sunny day, windows tumbling wide into scent laiden trees, Cuillin drifting beyond, I'm packing the battered old Quasar, doss sac etc, for a trip to some very fine stones...I may be some time but also may have some fine results on the flip-side. The mobile is on for those who need to phone it & hear first hand how the thrutching party of island raiders are doing. After that I'm delivering Finn into the arms of some very fine & bold Mangurstadh trad. He's building up to make the first repeat lead of my own gnarly 2 pitch line, 58º North [Marcaich-Shíne]*, sometime this year...fair play! Think Enchanted Broccoli Garden at Gogarth Stacs & you'd be spot on in the similarity-quality league. *[agus anam cara iar tuath 's a bhi tuath - annasach huh...agus, cha teid Fionnlagh a dh'Eige]
As if last weeks lightning storm on the island wasn't enough, sending the lights on & off in Mexican waves up & down Skye; walking the dog at 2am last night, we encountered a strange bank of haar moving in on the village. A huge definable wall of it in fact, creeping stealthily onto land, curling it's fingers around the hills, slipping down backstreets & through gardens...That stupid basta John Carpenter & his scary movie from 1980 was ringing out in my head. This evenings forecast is foggy with a 90% percent chance of pure EVIL..
Even the dog was seeing things, adding to his already lengthy list of nueroses, until I interjected that it wasn't Blake coming up the hill looking for his lost gold, but merely Seumas, looking for his own house. I further concluded that indeed the fog hid nothing as scary as the Elizabeth Deane & that the vague sail shape we could make out, was nothing other than a large pair of John Travolta pants. Ergo, the glow could then be easily explained away as 80's disco lighting. It was a close one, but when islanders gather together in small groups on hillsides to laugh, nothing is safe...not even lepers with holes in their plimsoles...or mainland grades.